Black Girls CODE Presents #FutureTechBoss Series

Meet Ava Victoriano

Black Girls CODE
5 min readFeb 28, 2019

It’s Black History Month and Black Girls CODE is thrilled to provide you a glimpse into the future through our #FutureTechBoss Series!

For the past seven years, Black Girls CODE has empowered girls of color all across the country to become future leaders, innovators, and creators in the technology ecosystem. This Black History Month, we are excited to give some of our Tech Divas an opportunity to share their stories with the world; to shine a light on their hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the future via our #FUTURETECHBOSS campaign.

We hope this campaign will serve as motivation and empowerment for the future generation of tech divas and show the world that black girls code and do so much more. As we center our tech divas as #FUTURETECHBOSSES we give notice to the world that the future is on the horizon and our girls are ready to take the reins.

Meet Tech Diva, Ava Victoriano, who recently began coding with Black Girls CODE! She aspires to open a No-Kill Shelter with plans to develop an app for it, and become a role model for other girls to look up to!

Why Do you LOVE Black Girls CODE?

I have joined other groups and a lot of times I was either the youngest, the only one that looked like me, or the group was so large. Sometimes I would feel out of place, other times I would feel lost like no one even knew I was there and sometimes I wished I had someone my age to talk to. I started to lose interest in coding. I saw on Facebook post some of the events BGC held and realized there was more to coding than I realized. My mom liked the fact that BGC separates the activities by age so I can interact with girls closer to my age, and I do too! I’m excited about hanging out and making friends with people that have similar interests.

If you were a Superhero what powers would you have?

Healing powers!

What is your dream job?

To open a no-kill shelter. I own a rescue dog and I know these dogs make great pets but, they get overlooked and left in crowded shelters or put to death. I want to develop an app that would show a live feed of the dogs in the shelter with the public. The public could find info about the animals and even express interest with staff about the animals.

Who would you consider STEM Role Model(s)?

Both my mom and sister work in fields that are traditionally held by men. I look up to them and other women who challenge themselves or open doors for other women of color. That’s why Hadiyah Nicole Green and Deena Pierott are my role models. Hadiyah Green helped to develop a technique that could potentially help with cancer treatments. My grandma and great-grandma both passed away from cancer and I know that African Americans die at a high rate from cancer. Deena Pierott developed a STEM program for girls. This is so important because most girls aren’t exposed to science & technology, especially black girls. I just hope that I can one day have girls look up to me as much as I look up to my role models.

What does it mean to you to be a black girl who codes? Describe why the Black Girls CODE mission is important to you.

I think it’s important to show that black girls can do and be anything and I think by being in this program, I help to become someone that other black girls can look up to and aspire to be.

What is one piece of advice you would give young girl interested in Tech

Don’t give up, don’t let people discourage you from doing it just because you’re a girl.

What is on your playlist right now?

Level up by Ciara and No Tears Left to Cry by Ariana Grande

If you could have dinner with any three people in the world (living or deceased) who would it be and why?

Rihanna, Michelle Obama, and Vincent Van Gough. Rihanna because she’s amazing, she finds charities and is unapologetically herself at all times. Michelle Obama because she is just a beacon of light to me she just radiates so much positive energy and power. Van Gough because I’m also an artist and I find his art so powerful and I would want to let him know that he’s appreciated.

What excites you?

I love movies, especially ones with lots of special effects and action. That’s how I first got introduced to coding. My sister goes to school for Film and my dream would also be to work on a film with my sister. She could write and direct the film and I would do the special effects.

What keeps you up at night?

The thought that I might not have given something my all.

Favorite movie?

My Neighbor Totoro

What’s your signature quote/phrase/or saying?

What you wish upon others you wish upon yourself.

What would people be surprised to find out about you?

I skateboard with my sister and I don’t like tomatoes.

Black Girls CODE is a nonprofit dedicated to increasing the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities, and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology. For ways to stay involved and support, be sure to join our Mailing List or Make a Donation!

Stay up-to-date with our Future Tech Boss Series on Twitter as well!



Black Girls CODE

Launched in 2011, Black Girls CODE (BGC) is devoted to showing the world that black girls can code, by training 1 million girls of color to code by 2040!